We are a UK charity raising money for the health, welfare and employment of people working alongside the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (the DHR).
Many of the people, a mix of Indian, Tibetan, Nepali and Bangladeshi, have poor sanitation, no running water and limited access to medical facilities.

Unemployment is high, the state education is basic, and many of the schools are poorly equipped and funded.

The good news is that every £ raised goes a long way, and can really make a difference!

We purchased sewing machines and helped to set up a tailoring project for the women of Gayabari village.
We sponsored a computer project at Sweet Angels school in Darjeeling
Click here for a case study of Rohini school
We helped with the rent for a small school in Kurseong, and paid for some basic teaching materials
We helped to purchase land for a new home for homeless people near Darjeeling, and hope to contribute more to the building phase. More details here.
We funded repairs to the roof of the Planter's Hospital in Darjeeling
We provided toys, teaching materials and funds for a meals service at Heydon Hall, Darjeeling

The Covid epidemic has had a severe effect on the inhabitants of Darjeeling and its environs. There is a continuing need for food, medical supplies and personal protective equipment, particularly amongst the poorest and most vulnerable inhabitants.
DRCS has sent out £2000 to the Udhaar Charitable Trust (UCH) for the purchase of masks and gloves to distribute to a variety of disadvantaged groups, including health workers, cleaners and drivers.
With your help we can do more!
DRCS is also contributing to another UCH project, the construction of a home for homeless people. So far we have contributed £10,000 for the land purchase and £4,000 towards fees, plans and foundations. We hope shortly to receive copies of the architect's drawings and artist's impressions of the buildings.
A leaflet showing the protective equipment in use is here.
A letter to our supporters updating them on progress was sent out in December 2020. Read it here.
If you would like to help, you can:
1) send a cheque payable to 'Darjeeling Railway Community Support' to
DRCS, 43 Geraldine Rd, Malvern, WR14 3NT,
2) send money by bank transfer. Our Lloyds Bank account number is 01741396, sort code
30-95-41, reference DRCSgift,
3) complete a standing order mandate and send it to your bank. Please let us know your contact details for our records. Our data privacy policy is here.
4) hold a fund-raising event, or hand out leaflets at events in your locality. We can help with advice and materials.
You can download a copy of our leaflet here. It gives more information on DRCS and on how you can help, including Gift Aiding your donation.
Any help you can give will be much appreciated, by us and our friends in India. Thank you!

Darjeeling's link to the plains - learn more about this famous railway here.
You can write to us here:
Darjeeling Railway Community Support
43, Geraldine Road
WR14 3NT
Telephone: +44 (0)1684 439 516
You can send our secretary Val Mead an email here:
or send us an email using the form below.
DRCS is a UK registered charity, No.1137961. Its trustees are David Mead, Val Mead, Moo Barrie and Derek Pratt. They meet regularly to organise fund-raising and allocate resources to new and existing projects.
The organisation arose from a tour group run by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (the DHRS), who 'wanted to do something to help the local people'.
Vivek Baid, chairman of the DHRS Indian Support Group, has given much advice and encouragement to us. We have also enlisted the help of non-governmental organisations in Darjeeling and Kurseong with first-hand knowledge of the needs of local people.
Visits to the area by trustees and DHRS members allow us to monitor how the money is spent, meet those involved and ride the steam trains!